Dev Infotech is a registered institute based in Vadodara, Gujarat that works in the field of education and literature. Dev Infotech is also running non-profit and non-government trust “Dev Foundation”. Dev Infotech has been working in Vadodara for over 15+ years, focusing on providing education. Our overall goal is the empowerment of students from poor and marginalized family leading to improvement in their lives and livelihoods. We focus on education because only education can bring long lasting change in the society by helping to eradicate poverty, crime and bring social awareness.
We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where each and every individual has proper education which in turn enables them to live in dignity and security.
Dev Foundation helps alleviate illiteracy by facilitating education of people who need education but cannot continue or afford it at all due to certain circumstances, creating social awareness so that we can get a strong and better society. As one of the premier institutes of its kind, the institute offers a wide range of courses to those in need of proper education.